Tuesday, December 08, 2015

The Nice List and boring diet

No training, no caffeine, no alcohol, no soda, no artificial sweeteners. Nothing bad today!

Can you tell I'm trying to get on Santa's Nice List?

The Ballantyne Family Elves buying presents at our ETR Toys for Tots Christmas drive in Denver on Saturday. ETR and friends bought over 5,033 toys for Santa to deliver this year!

Craig Ballantyne's photo.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Take a deep breath, relax, step back, and look objectively at the battles you are fighting and wars you are waging. Most conflicts are not worth it. They are simply someone else's drama serving to help them procrastinate on what matters in life. So about the fighting words you want to say to someone…Sleep on it. Wake up tomorrow and take the high road. If you have caused harm, apologize and fix it. Otherwise, relax, re-focus and return to what really matters. Live and lead by example.

Get leading,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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