Thursday, December 10, 2015

Squatting and Priority Training in Denver

I usually try to avoid caffeine on travel days, but I also wanted to get in a squat workout today because it was my last chance for a squat rack till Sunday back on the farm.

Today's workout was weak - even with the caffeine - and it just shouldn't have been done the day after yesterday's session. Lesson learned, but that's okay. The squat is not my #1 training priority right now. It's the deadlift.

(Side note: That's the name of January's unique TT program - TT #1 Priority Training ... you're going to love it... gets you strong and lean.)

Today's Workout:

1A) Front Squat - pyramid style, work up to 185x5 and then down to 135x10
1B) Box Jump

2B) DB Lunge

That's it.

Today's travel diet was/will be:

Normal breakfast bowl

Lunch on plane: Taking a giant salad, walnuts, and apple

Dinner at the hotel

Friday morning will be spent writing in a hotel room and the afternoon involves running errands and shopping around Toronto with J-Roc. Should be an amazing day.

Saturday is a Big Christmas Party in Burlington, Ontario, with Brad Pilon and Family, Vince Delmonte and Family, and many more. There will be 32 guests at lunch and I'll have some great this one from Saturday night.

At the Four Seasons Hotel in Denver announcing our total donation to the Denver Toys for Tots Drive - where we purchased over 7,500 toys. What an incredible group of people.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Have one more tough conversation before the holidays. Fix one last problem. If you are wrong, admit it. Fix the problem, learn your lesson, and move on. But if you are right, stay strong and fight. Ignore hate, listen to constructive criticism, and ask your mentors for advice...but always stay true to your personal philosophies forged by your values, experiences, and wisdom.

T'is the season to be wise.

Stay strong,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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