Monday, December 14, 2015

Santa Saturday and Sunday Deadlift Day

Today is finally a CASS-Free day after several mornings of pre-workout and pre-writing caffeine. Treated myself a little bit while in Toronto, and then I really needed it yesterday prior to my workout. Still, I was sleepy all day Sunday.

Might have because of our 1st Annual Christmas in Canadia party. I was joined by the Delmontes, Berardis, Pilons, and Elkaims for a nutrition-guru lunch on Saturday. I love hanging around Brad and Heather Pilon, and watching Brad pig out on the best dessert on the menu.

"That's how you break a fast," he said with a big smile on his face.

Ha. And then Santa showed up to make the day complete for the little munchkins. PS - LOL at Berardi's shirt. 

There was no workout Saturday, but on Sunday I hit the YMCA for a deadlift session of:

1A) Hang Clean

1B) Dips

2) Trap Bar Deadlift

3A) Good Morning

3B) Shrug

Good times. Then I had a nap. That was even better times!

Today's Kick-Butt Mindset Tip:

It's never too late to change and improve. Commit to getting better every day. You can do it. I believe in YOU. And remember - If you want advanced results, you must take advanced measures. Do MORE than what is expected of you, not LESS than what you are capable of. You have been given great gifts. Earn the rewards that those gifts make possible. Stay strong and keep on pushing on!

Time to get busy like Santa,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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