Wednesday, December 02, 2015

New record on the bike

A good sleep last night meant I didn't need any pre-workout caffeine. All I did were 4 hard intervals on the bike, and I set a new personal best.

32 calories burned in 1 minute on the stationary bike

Good times!

And I'm continuing my plan of:
- no plastic bottles
- no Coke Zero
- no Coke Zero out of plastic bottles, LOL

Big weekend starting soon in Denver, lots of cool kids coming out, including Daniel Woodrum, the DelMontes, Tyler Bramlett, my travel buddy, Barry Dunlop from England, and some of my family from Canadia. They'll be joining us for our Toys for Tots shopping event.

That means lots of great dinners this weekend.

And Daniel is filming the CTT cert on Sunday.

Exciting times!

BTW, make sure to drop by this thread to see new member Kevin Valluzzi and I work out his nutrition and training plan:

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Set a hard deadline for your dreams, one that comes with REAL consequences. And be clear about the consequences of all your actions - and inaction. Make these consequences matter…that's the only way that you'll change your behaviors and take action before it is too late.

Push on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Check out this amazing success story!

Lindsey trained with Catherine Gordon, CTT, and lost 19 pounds and 15 inches. Her story is very moving…BTW, we often get ‘complaints’ about Before & After photos where the after looks so incredibly different (due to the transformation) of the person in  the before…this is going to be one of those times.

“Saying that TT has changed my life is an understatement. I realize that my transformation started the day I walked into Gordon Studio, and learned what TT was. My overall health , both mind and body, have changed immensely.

My family has been in the restaurant business my whole life. Eating, drinking, and being merry is what I have been accustomed to. I have always struggled with my weight: tried every diet, paid thousands for personal trainers, and nothing worked until TT and the Sugar Freedom diet.

Reflecting on when I was younger, I always wanted to wear the clothes that the other girls were wearing, but never could because I was too big. Now with this transformation I know I can walk into a store, and wear the clothes that I want to wear. I am comfortable with myself and who I am becoming. I admit, I was intimidated by TT in the beginning because I did not think I was fit enough to keep up. I used to go to the gym with not a clue as to what I was doing and what would work for me. Having modifications, guidance, and support from Catherine has made this transformation possible.

Instead of dreading working out, I look forward to it. I went from working out 1 to 2 days a week to working out 4 to 5 days a week. TT and the Sugar Freedom diet have shown me that I can still love food, I can still eat, drink, and be merry. I have not lost anything, but gained so much more by having the power over the food I put in my mouth. Food no longer controls me, I control the food in my life. This 12 week challenge has proven to me the change that I feel in myself. The motivation and drive I have to keep this transformation going and to be my best self will not end at the end of this challenge, but will last a lifetime."

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