Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Lower Body Garage Gym Punishment

Busy day today for ETR writing. I won't get to the gym for front squats, but I'll use KB Goblet Squats and DB Walking Lunges in the garage after a little pre-workout caffeine.

Things slow down this afternoon as our ETR team goes on a 10-day break. I might take a 10 hour break on Christmas, but other than that, working away at new programs, articles, and books for you in the New Year.

And it'll be a green Christmas on the farm. 55 degrees and raining today (13 celcius). Muddy paws for ol' Bally the Dog ... and Rudolph.

Today's gonna leave a mark...

1A) KB Goblet Squats - PB of 70lbs x 32 reps
1B) Maximus Pause Pushups - 31 reps

2B) Close Grip Pause Pushups

3) DB Walking Lunges

And here are a couple of Christmas holiday workouts from the TT newsletter today, written by Bally The Exercise Dog:

10-Minute Christmas Calorie Burner - Dumbbell Version
- For the Goblet exercise, hold a dumbbell in both paws at chest height. 
- Take 2 seconds to lower the weight/your body and lift in 1 second.
- Do NOT rest between exercises.
1) DB Goblet Reverse Lunge - 10 reps per side
2) DB 1-Arm Standing Shoulder Press - 10 reps per side
3) DB 1-Arm Row - 10 reps per side
4) DB Chest Press - 10 reps
5) Total Body Extension - 20 reps in 30 seconds
- Repeat 2 times for a total of 10 minutes of Christmas Calorie Burning...
...You'll burn 13 to 20 calories per minute, PLUS you'll enjoy several hours of extended "Afterburn" calorie burning... my Christmas gift to you! ;) 
10-Minute Christmas Calorie Burner - Bodyweight Version
- Take 2 seconds to lower your body and lift in 1 second.
- Do NOT rest between exercises.
1) Prisoner Reverse Lunge - 10 reps per side
2) Decline or Close-Grip Pushup - 10 reps
3) Total Body Extension - 20 reps in 30 seconds
4) Pushups - 10 reps
5) Iron Cross Hold - 30 seconds
6) Cross-Body Mountain Climbers - 10 reps per side (alternating)
- Repeat 3 times for a total of 10 minutes of Christmas Calorie Burning
And here's another cool resource...

Trump's Daily Routine ...ooops, different Trump. Still good, though -

Today's kickbutt mindset tip:
Lead yourself out of temptation as quickly as possible. Don't get in situations where the allure of vices is too strong for your willpower.
If you find yourself in trouble cut your losses, but dont let others make you feel guilty for your decisions. Cut the toxicity in your life.

Push on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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