Tuesday, December 15, 2015

CASS-Free Pressing Workout

Good discipline today thanks to a great sleep last night.

I was tired after a CASS-Free day and had a great 8 hours rest. Woke up, did my writing, walked the dog, and had a good CASS-Free workout and day. I have a couple of big meetings on the agenda and don't need the anxiety that often comes when I drink caffeine beverages.

Today's Workout:

1) Decline Pause Pushup (1-1-1-1) = New PB of 27 reps

2A) DB Incline Neutral-Grip Press 5x5
2B) Band Pull

3A) DB 1-Arm Arnold Press

Lots of lower body stretching.

Big day of writing ahead.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
A good approach to life: Act polite and courteous. Do not swear or speak poorly of others. Be virtuous and avoid vices. Avoid the temptations of junk food, excess caffeine, and alcohol. These only make things worse in the long run. Nourish your body and support your energy with healthy living – nutritious food, regular exercise, and 7-8 hours sleep per night. Meditate, breathe deeply, and relax. Live well. Live long. Leave a legacy.

Live strong and well,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Great post! This blog contains a number of tips and tricks to help me get the most from my daily workout activity efforts. Thanks by the way!
