Saturday, December 26, 2015

25th TT Transformation Contest Starts Today

It's time to start the 25th TT Contest!


Had a nice - and oddly warm - CASS-Free Christmas. But I was very sleepy all day.

Today is a deadlift pre-workout caffeine will be enjoyed, both at home and at the gym.

1A) Power Shrug
1B) Mobility
2) Deadlift - PB of 225x16 overhand grip

3A) Chest-Supported Row
3B) Good Morning
3C) Shrug

And it's time to start the 25th TT Contest!


My plans for the 25th TT Transformation Contest:

1) Increase Giving => Give more time, energy, and love to the people I work with and coach. Give more time and energy to organizations that matter...writing checks and buying toys are nice, but they only take care of the symptoms, not the root cause of the problem.

2) Use TT 2K3 and TT 2k4 with the #1 Priority twist (you'll see what I mean when the 2016 January TT program is released).

3) I can't think of any diet changes to make...I really can't do much better than how I eat now. It's a great place to be! So I'll continue on with no Plastic Water bottles, 12-hour daily break, and doing as many CASS-Free days as possible.

More details soon as I finalize these plans.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset:
Get up earlier tomorrow. Pray or meditate as the sun rises. Close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply. Let calm come over you as your stress dissipates. You have no real worries. You have everything you need. Now shift your thoughts to your end point of "the game". How much is enough? What do you really need? How will you measure your life? What will you regret if you do not do it? How does this knowledge change how you should act today, and daily?

Make the right changes for your right life,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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