Monday, June 01, 2015

Denver Deadlift and Walking Around

Saturday was an off-day and I finished a lot of projects, including the June TT Trainer monthly newsletter, the July TT WOM (bodyweight), plans for the TT Summit, and an updated version of my 2015 goals.

Sunday was a big deadlift day. Great workout.

1A) Snatch
1B) Overhead Squat

2A) Deadlift
2B) Jumps

3A) Military Press
3B) Split Squat
3C) Leg Curl

Good times were had by all.

Today was another off-day. I went for a 40-minute walk around Denver at 5:30am. It was nice to see some parts I had not noticed before. Tomorrow might be more of the same.

Morning meditation view in Denver
Craig Ballantyne's photo.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Stay positive, look at every day and every moment as a learning experience…and become the best "student of yourself" that you can. Find out what works for you, and what doesn't. Then do more of what does, and avoid those situations that tempt you into the wrong decisions. Be proud about what you want to achieve, and communicate clearly about what you must do to get there. Of course, we all make mistakes and temptation gets to us all. But look at every stumble as the greatest gift…a learning experience to become better. You can change and achieve your goals. I believe in you.

Your time to change is now.

And I mean right now,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Surround yourself with people better than you.

Cut off bad vibe relationships as fast as possible. Don't get in too deep. Trust your gut. And sleep on all big decisions.

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