Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Meathead Summit

Back down to the garage today. Upper body meathead training. It doesn't get any better than this, does it. Garage door open, cool Florida morning turning to humid, powerblocks, chest pump, and meathead 1-arm rows to finish it all off, almost seeing stars as I trained to near absolute failure.

Workout went like this:

1A) DB Press - 4x6
1B) KB CSR - 4x10

2A) DB Incline - 4x12
2B) DB Shrug - 4x12

3) DB 1-Arm Row - 3x15ish

Go Hard, Get Lean...just like this

Earlier today I was working on TT Summit details...we are only 3 months away. Are you ready? It's my 40th birthday party, and you get all the presents and my new Slight Edge System.

'NO-equipment? NO problem. Try this free bodyweight workout. It's fun, fast, and free :) -'

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
"There will come a point where doubt and fear will attempt to overtake your heart. The voices in your head will tell you to stop. They will try to tell you to quit. They will try to tell you that you can't go any further. Don't listen to them. Look within yourself and find your courage. Find your heart. Believe in yourself. When you think you can't go any further just take one more step. Keep moving forward. Keep breathing. Keep fighting. I promise you that you'll make it. You are too strong to fail. No matter how dark the storm the sun will always shine again. Brighter than ever." - Robert MacDonald, from Gym Jones

Maximally inspired,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Don't let the negative people or environments keep you down. There are many more good, positive people out there who want to support you. Take action, live by example, and attract them into your life. Help others, and you will be helped yourself. Just Act. Just Ask. Just Solve Problems. Just Ask for Help. Just Admit When You Are Wrong. Just Connect. Just Grow. Just do it and stop finding reasons to postpone it.

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