Monday, August 12, 2013

How to Succeed This Week

Here's some simple yet successful advice to start the week.

Show up. Do the work. Get better. Stay positive. Do good. Keep pushing everyday. You'll be amazed at where that gets you in life.

And do ONE thing first thing in the morning that takes care of YOU – meditate, exercise, pray, or study. Do this to make the rest of your day better for you and everyone around you.


Here's one of the most important motivational quotes you'll ever hear. It's from American author and poet, Maya Angelou, who said...

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."


That's powerful.

And it's true.

Don't you think this is worth remembering when you work with your clients?

What they want is to be recognized and appreciated, because most people don't get that at home or at work.

But if they get it from you, they'll stay with you forever.

Now I've got another one for you...

"You cannot brighten another's path without lighting your own." - Frank McKinney

There's a big lesson here for you...

...if you want to improve yourself, then you MUST become a teacher and mentor to MORE people.

The teacher always learns as much, if not more, than the student.

And the more you learn, the more you can help others, and the positive cycle continues, making you better and better at what you do, and allowing you to help more and more people.

Changing someone else's life will change yours for the better, too.

Take 10 minutes and list all the people you can help this week. Then take action and do something about it!

Be a Go-Giver,

Craig Ballantyne

PS - Still frustrated?

Ready to quit?

Perhaps it's even been a few days - or weeks - since your last workout?

Well, time for some tough love.

What are you going to do, quit because it’s hard?

Quit because success didn’t come overnight? Quit because someone said you couldn’t do it? NO. You’re better than that. You’re going to keep on pushing, learning, and growing, and never, ever give up on what is important to you.

Read this if you ever feel like giving up

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post and I just loved the quotes you mentioned here. They are just brilliant.

    Group fitness training
