Sunday, September 05, 2010

Vegetarian Eating While Out

Last week I met some friends at a restaurant in downtown Toronto called "Fresh". It's well known for its vegetarian and even vegan options, and so I took advantage of that.

I ordered a vegan curry with brown rice, and it was great. More and more vegetarian restaurants are popping up.

I even found an amazing vegetarian restaurant in the city of Krakow in Poland during my summer travels.

You can read all about the meals I had there PLUS my top 10 tricks for getting lean and staying lean while traveling in this free report I created for you:

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A lot of my success has to do with this rule:

1) Travel with a Personal Philosophy of Being Lean

Listen, here's the truth. When you travel the world, you're going to be up against all sorts of obstacles and the entire world is conspiring against you. From airport food to lousy hotel gyms, burning fat and keeping the weight off will not be easy.

But before we even worry about what food to pack or workouts to bring, we need to get your personal philosophy sorted out.

You must have a set of behavioral rules and a personal philosophy in place that will guide your every decision. Only then will you have the strength to make the right choices.

On the other hand, if you leave home with a laissez-faire attitude thinking, "Oh, I'll do my best", you are going to break down the second you past the first Cinnabon restaurant in the airport.

Now, I'm sure you've never been told by a fitness expert to have a "guiding personal philosophy" before, so let me help you with yours.

First, let me give you a related example. Let's look at vegetarians. They clearly have the guiding personal philosophy of, "I don't eat meat." Or look at a recovering alcoholic. They have the guiding philosophy of, "I do not drink alcohol." Those are rules that they live by that are non-negotiable.

So work on YOUR personal fat loss philosophy to live by everyday, and never compromise!

Stay healthy,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS


  1. I like your part at the end there about living your own philosophy. It reminds me of what I heard Jim Rohn say once that as humans we have the great, unique ability to create our own philosophy. What's really great about it is if our philosophy isn't working for us, we can change it! But if it is working, we can live it and reap the rewards. Great advice, Craig.

  2. Yes I like your thoughts healthy lifestyle does mean stay fit,eat healthy and do exercise/Yoga daily.

    personal trainer
