Friday, September 24, 2010

Toronto Workout, Mexico Workout, Interval Workouts

Got back into Toronto last night, ran some errands and slipped back into a nice routine. I'll be in Toronto for 6 days then off to LA next weekend. And I still have trips to Vegas and Arizona in October as well.

BTW, I had a great time at the Secrets Maroma Beach resort in Cancun. I was surprised I liked it that those types of holidays aren't usually my thing. But 3 nights wasn't enough.

The resort was really nice, and everything was taken care of...gorgeous setting, good food, great atmosphere, and of course, amazing friends (Joel, Vince and Flavia, Isabel and Stuart, John and Dana, etc., etc.). A great time...if anything, the service could have been a little faster, but hey, when you're sitting around in a tropical paradise with nothing to do and nowhere to go, it is easy to survive slow service.

Of course, I love my life in Toronto too, and so I'm not unhappy to be back and hitting the regular gym.

My training today:

1A) Triple Set Deadlift
1B) Bodysaw (ab exercise I found in Oct. Men's Health)

2A) Pistols
2B) Glute ham raise
2C) Shrugs

Check this quick workout video I filmed with my friend Isabel De Los Rios in Cancun. A nice circuit...advanced version could include decline pushups and a heavier dumbbell. Good times!

Turbulence Training at a resort in Mexico

And now for the Facebook Question of the Day:

Cat Potter asks: "What is the best cardio interval to do?"

There is no proven best interval. That's why my programs use a variety of interval workouts. I have some theories on the best...but it is good to switch it up. Check out my interval report here:

=> Interval Training Report

Kick-butt Mindset Tip of the Day:

"Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become."
Steve Jobs

Keep your momentum going through the weekend,


PS - Here's some great feedback on the TT for Abs DVDs...

"Hey Craig, I just got the TT For Abs DVDs in the mail this week. I absolutely love it! Thanks for making an amazing program. I am trying to get down to 11-12% body fat using this program. I also enjoyed the presentation and the nutrition dvd. Very informative, helpful, and motivating. :)"
Kirpal Lottey


  1. Hey Craig. When are you coming to arizona? I've been wanting to attend one of your seminars. Where can I go to sign up for it. Thanks.


  2. Hey Craig, I'm unsure about a certain part of the TT contest. Can I join both the 6-week mini-contest and the full 12-week one?


  3. Hi Shawn, I don't actually do seminars, sorry. I'm usually just attending them.
