Friday, September 10, 2010

Handstands, Eccentric Training, & Berardi Surprises

Really great workout today. First of all, it was Meathead style, which is always fun. But it also had personal bests for me in the Handstand pushup, which was a surprise, and something you always want. There should be some type of personal best in every workout.

Here's how it went down. Started with foam rolling and stretching.

1A) Stick-up
1B) Med ball throw
1C) Bat Wing using - 35 pounds 3x5x5seconds Click here to see the Bat Wing (or google Bat Wing if this doesn't work)

2A) Handstand Pushup - kicked up to full handstand position and did 4 in first set, 3 in second, 3 in third, plus did my first few seconds of free standing Handstands. That was fun.
2B) Pullup - 12, 10, 10

3A) Board Press - bailed on this...right pec minor felt a little "ropey" I did eccentric cable crossovers... Google "Eccentric training injury" and you'll find research and articles on using eccentric exercise to battle tendinitis.
3B) DB Row - 80x3x15

4A) DB Curl (4 second eccentric to help forearm soreness) - 35x3x8
4B) BW Triceps Extension - 18,12,12

5) DB Shoulder Lateral Circuit (Rear, Side, Front Raise) - 15x15 for each movement

50 minutes in the gym, with 15 minutes being the warm-up portion.

Today's resource: A surprising interview with Dr. John Berardi

Another fitness expert dedicated to helping as many people as possible. You'll discover "90% tracking tips", the "30g/day supplement", a "7 word nutrition plan", and a surprising post-workout fat loss suggestion.

Listen here => Dr. John Berardi Surprising Interview

And today's kick-butt mindset tip:

If you don't have social support, take charge as the leader. Be confident in your choices. People will respect your decisions, even if it seems at first that they don't. Soon, people will come to you for advice and support. You are the one making the right decision. Never forget that.

Stay strong,

Craig Ballantyne

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Craig - Good interview with JB. Look forward to Part 2
