Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Diet Mistakes & Foods to Eat

On Sunday afternoon I biked down to the 26th Annual Toronto Vegetarian Food Festival. On the bright side, it was well-attended, featured dozens of vegetarian companies devote to adding value to the world, and it offered dozens of free cooking classes.


I was also disappointed. Why? Because I watched so many vegetarians make the #1 veggie diet mistake...they were consuming massive amounts of sugar.

According to my nutrition expert friend, Josh Bezoni, adults and children should only consume 30 grams of sugar per day. However, I watched adult after adult (and their kids) drink big bottles of soda all afternoon. One guy was drinking directly from a 2-liter bottle!!!

Most people just don't realize how bad sugar is for their belly fat. In fact, Josh named that as the "#1 obesity additive" keeping us fat.

BTW, Josh was a judge for the Bill Phillips Body-for-LIFE competitions back in the day so he knows his stuff when it comes to nutrition. Plus, he's prepared a report for you on his top 15 foods that fight fat. I know that the 2nd one on the list will be controversial. You can get it here:

=> 15 Foods You Should Eat

By the way, I ate SEVEN of his 15 top foods before 2pm yesterday, including #'s 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 10, and 11 from his list.

Heck, even ol' Bally the Dog had 5 of those foods (he skipped #'s 8, 9, and 11, but also had #14 that I didn't have).

(Personally, I think #4 is the number one food to help you lose belly fat, and you'll be surprised it is not chicken, steak, or a
fancy protein powder.) 

Helping you make the right choices,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, How to Lose Fat While Traveling

PS - I also saw...

...a lot of the vegetarian food carts at the veggie food fair advertising "fake pork chops", "fake sausage", and "fake chicken". To me, this type of eating gives vegetarian eating a bad name. I'd rather eat real meat and real vegetables.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Craig,

    Great post.

    I have heard of so many people going vegetarian and then see them eat only pasta and fake foods. Then they wonder why they aren't losing weight.

    I totally agree with you - The real thing is the best thing.

    Thanks again for the great post.
    Talk to ya soon,
    Ryan "The Fat Loss Informant"
