Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Art of Non-Conforming Workouts

This weekend I'm off to Austin, Texas for a geek seminar, and then on Monday I head to Mexico to hang out with some of my fitness buddies, such as John Romaniello and Joel Marionz, and budettes, like Isabel De Los Rios and Flavia Del Monte.

Just another chapter in my weird, non-conforming, interesting life.‎

"You don't have to live your life the way other people expect you to. You can do good things for yourself and make the world a better place at the same time." - Chris Guillebeau, author of "The Art of Non-Conformity"  

I highly recommend Chris' book. Read it this week. Bought a couple copies for friends. Check his book out if you want to live life your way while helping others. It is possible.

Today's non-conforming training:

1) Cleans - terrible today...not sure why because deadlifts were most excellent.

2) Trap bar deadlift (340x8)

3A) Glute-ham raise
3B) Pistols

4A) Shrugs
4B) Planks

Today's resource:

This workout video is similar to the one I did today

=> TT Hardcore 2K10

And today's kick-butt mindset motivation:

‎"If I PERSIST, nothing can stop me."
Ted Nicholas

So never, ever, ever give up.

And another one...

"The person who says something is impossible should not interrupt the person who is doing it."
Chinese proverb

Achieve your "impossible" in the 9th Turbulence Training Transformation Contest. Last day to enter is Saturday,
September 18th here

=> Join the 9th TT Transformation Contest for free here

Be good,


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