Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Turbulence Training Success Story - May 2010

Time for the May 2010 Turbulence Training Success Story of the Month. This
month's winner of the 1-year Platinum TT Membership is Chris, from Nashville.

Here's his story... 

Craig,I just wanted to send a note to let you know that your Turbulence Training program has been a great blessing to me in the past 5 weeks. For a little background, as of last December, I was 5'8", 248 pounds, depressed, and struggling with diabetes, blood pressure, and cholesterol. I was almost ready to give up on life completely. I wound up in the hospital overnight due to stroke-level blood pressure. 

Once I got out, something awoke inside of me. I quit my pack and a half a day cigarette habit, stopped eating garbage food, and began exercising. Within a month I had already lost 25 pounds. Then, I discovered Turbulence Training on the internet. I thought this may be the program to take me to the next level and I was totally right. 

I embarked on the 4-week beginner workout and shed another 10 pounds. I'm now in week one of the intermediate workout and, while it's a challenge, I know it's going to keep my progress moving forward. I haven't felt this good since high school and my wife and kids are thankful that it looks like I will be sticking around a little longer.

You don't know this but you have played a role in saving my life and I owe you big time. Thanks for spreading your fantastic workout with all of us and please keep up the good work. I am forever changed.
Chris C.,
Nashville, TN


Congratulations Chris, stay strong and get healthy!

And if you have a TT Success Story, please send it to:

Support (AT)

Thank you!

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

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