Tuesday, December 08, 2009

What I Ate Today

Ooops...a few folks think that all I eat is blender drinks, because that is all that I write down...but that's not the case. I'm just too lazy to write down everything.

So here's what I had today.

After a dog walk and stretching session (no workout yesterday), I had:

1 apple
2 big bowls of Mini-wheats with almond milk (hey, I like Mini-wheats, what can I say)

1 toasted cashew butter and banana sandwich

1 big boy salad (spinach, peppers, 1/2 avocado, 1/2 can kidney beans, salsa) 
2 slices flax bread
1 glass of blender drink (1 banana, blueberries, strawberries, almond milk, almond butter, cacao nibs, sunflower seeds, Vega powder)

The rest of the blender drink poured over oatmeal, almonds, and raisins
1 orange, 1/2 grapefruit

Vegetable stir-fry + 3 servings of Kamut pasta
2 bananas, 2 tablespoons of almond butter

Then TT filming. It wasn't really strenuous...about a 4/10 intensity level.

After filming:
Slice of vegetarian pizza from the new pizza joint in my neighborhood.

So there you go...


  1. Kris Martinez1:15 AM

    Hey Craig, do you take any omega 3 supplements? I'm not noticing any omega 3 in there, surely no animal based EPA and DHA. Just wondering. Say hi to Bally the Dog for me!

  2. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Looks good. I have a similar diet, and over the past year have graudually reduced my animal consumption to fish (maybe once per week) and small to moderate amounts of dairy. Other than that, it's the same, whole grains, nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies. I've come to be quite clean and ripped from that switch, and think the meat = muscle is a major fallacy existing. I'm leaner, more muscular, and healthier than I've ever felt in my life. For a good blender drink, Craig, try this.

    frozen banana
    frozen blueberries
    peanut butter
    cocoa nibs
    frozen spinach
    almond milk
    1tbs hemp or chia seeds
    (and a little oats depending on how you'd like the consistency to be)

    = amazing. Peanut butter/chocolate heaven


  3. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Craig - No need to feel funny about the mini-wheats. Those are great. Think you'll ever go back to cow's milk?

  4. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Is that a lot of food? Maybe I have been starving myself... How many calories was that? Seemed like a lot grains, is that bad do fat loss? I have been eating a lot less trying to lose weight am hungry
