Monday, December 07, 2009

Upper Body, Abs, & Sugar Cravings

Heading off to NYC this week to train at in Jersey with Jay Ferruggia, so today was my last real workout of the week.

1) Hang Clean

2A) Close-Grip Bench
2B) BB Row

3A) DB Press
3B) Seated Row

4A) Dips
4B) DB Curls

And today's resources for you:

1) Over 21 tips to overcome sugar cravings posted to the TTFL blog:

=> Reduce Sugar Cravings

2) Ab workout exercises in a "pre-fatigue" circuit

=> The Abs Exercises video


Craig B.

PS - New Turbulence Training Fanpage update...

..."Why do you hate cardio" over on the Turbulence Training Fanpage here:


Find out the truth...

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