Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Off-Day Today

Today's off-day activity was 40 minutes of stretching and torso training. I'm filming January 2K10 programs tonight, and that could take about an hour or two, but just doing some demo reps, not filming follow along.

Today's blender drink looks like a "Purple Jesus Blizzard". Mega-Blueberries, strawbrries, 1 banana, spinach, almond milk, almond butter, cacao nibs, and sunflower seeds. Poured some over oatmeal, almonds, and raisins. Also had an apple and green tea.

While today is slow on the activity side, I do have some resources for you:

More tips have been added to the sugar craving blog post here:

=> http://www.ttfatloss.com/diet/sugar-cravings/

And here's a link to the video of one of my most popular ab workout programs - TT AAA Abs

=> AAA Abs Workout

That's a solid 4 week program, and what you need to do is make sure you are sticking to a program for 3-4 weeks.

• Plan your program. Don't jump around from one to the next. Pick a good program and stick with it for 4 weeks.
• But if something isn't working, why continue with it? Trust your gut about when it is time to change.
• Get to know your body by monitoring everything you do and how you exercise. That is the key to making good judgments.
Stay strong,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Turbulence Training

1 comment:

  1. I like what you say about trusting your body when it comes to choosing a workout and changing your workouts every 3-4 weeks.

    I'm trying a split for the next 3 weeks that I've never done. We'll see how it goes!

    Great advice!


