Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Jersey Workout...Not

Crappy weather today delayed a bunch of flights so I wasn't able to get a flight to Jersey on time to make tonights workout at Jay Ferruggia's gym, so I'm going to go tomorrow.

Instead, I did my own workout here in Toronto...

1) Jumps

2) Deadlifts

3B) Barbell Rollout - killer ab exercise

4A) Bulgarian Split Squat 1 & 1/2 reps
4B) Calf Raises (haven't done these in a long time...added them for experimental purposes)

Also of jumps were feeling a little weak, but I knew a little trick would help I went and did a few sets of deadlifts (warm-up weight) and then went back to the jumps - instant addition of 1-2 inches and just felt much easier.

After the workout I had a chocolate milk on the way home, and then for lunch I made Amy's Chili and I fried up some slices of sweet potato. Hearty meal.

Okay, will try to get to NJ again tomorrow.


PS - On the bright side, I convinced about a dozen people on Twitter that Ikea now makes kettlebells.

That saved the day.

PPS - Download this free report I made for you

=> Top 10 Fitness Trends for 2010
