Monday, May 04, 2009

Presses and Rows Workout

Went in a little early this morning because Bally the Dog is still on a weekend sleepover at the dog-camp lady's house...

Got in and did...

1A) Bench - worked up to 285
1B) RDL - 3x6

2A) DB Incline - 3x8 with 80s
2B) BB Row - 3x8 with 205

That was it. The extra rest and warmup for the bench press made the workout long...50 minutes.

Thats it. Not much else to report. Good trip to Chicago on the weekend, but now I'm home until next monday when i head down to washington for a few days.

Train hard but safe,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Don't forget the 5th TT Transformation Contest starts today...

...and we've added a "couples" category for this one. Find out more here:

=> Transformation Contest Rules



  1. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Say you weren't doing BB bench press and only DB press. How much of a warmup would you do? I usually go with about a 5 min. total body warmup and then go right into things, but just wondering.


  2. 5 minute general warmup and then 2-3 warmup sets
