Monday, May 18, 2009

New Workout Program

Started a new 4-week program yesterday and my chest is sore...but today I went in to do squats.

Had to move my workouts up by a few days because I'm going to Vegas on Saturday morning (for UFC 98) and staying for meetings the next week, then off to a Fitness Business Seminar in New Jersey on Thursday through Saturday.

Today I did...

1) Squat - worked up to 355

2A) Pullups
2B) Olympic Squats

3A) Back Extension
3B) DB Triceps Extension

It wasn't a real tough workout because I was playing around trying to find the right week will be at the right weight...just need to find a good gym in Vegas.

I know the Luxor gym has a squat rack, so I might go there...staying at Planet Hollywood all week though...never stayed there before. Good gym, who knows...

Deadlifts coming up on Wednesday,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Click here for more muscle building workouts


  1. Craig, It is encouraging to see that others have to adjust workout schedules due to travel. You look to be in luck for Planet Hollywood for their gym as it has a state of the art gym including 'free' fruit. but expensive at $25 a day.

  2. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Craig - I know in recent months you were "testing" or thinking about whether or not lower numbers of sets (i.e. 2 vs. 3 or 4) could stimulate growth just as much as higher numbers of sets. Any final thoughts on that? Are sets # 3 and 4 a waste of time and energy?


  3. Hey Jay!

    Not enough people through the program yet...hard to get enough volunteers to do less!

  4. Anonymous10:07 AM


    I can tell you from my own "experiment" the last 9-12 months that a total body workout 2-3 times per week, 90% supersets (ala turbulence-training), only 2-3 sets and NO intervals outside of the weight training portion, that I am down from 195 to 185, leaner, trimmer, and seem more muscular. I'm in and out of the gym in 30-40 mins. I almost literally lap other guys who are doing a set of bench and then sit around for 5 minutes. When I was doing a true meathead style a couple of years ago, I got tired of feeling "plump"!


  5. great to hear you are sticking to it. I usually just take traveling weeks off but then again you tend to do quite a bit more traveling then I do.

    Eric Moss RKC
