Tuesday, May 05, 2009

How to Win A Body Transformation Contest

If you want to win a body transformation contest, or simply just lose fat, get lean, and change your life, you must listen to this amazing interview I did with the winner of our 2nd Turbulence Training Transformation Contest, Catherine Gordon.

She'll show you...

- How to get started burning fat even if you are a beginner

- How to breakthrough fat loss plateaus

- What to do if you have a "bad diet day"

- The 5 Pillars of Fat Loss Success

- Her #1 secret to burning fat (you'll be surprised by this because she DISAGREES with me on the #1 secret!)

- How to create the world's best social support system for fat loss

Catherine is just awesome. You must listen to this free call no matter what your experience level...it will help you get started
losing fat and changing your body and live forever.

=> Click here to listen to Catherine's inspirational transformation fat loss call

Catherine is an amazing role model and shares so much in this call,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Did you know you can win $1000 just by losing your belly fat?

That's what men and women win for top prize in the 5th Turbulence Training Transformation Contest.

In these crazy economic times, $1000 cash will go a LONG way to help pay some bills and give you some breathing room, so don't miss out on your chance to improve your health, dramatically increase your confidence, AND win up to $1000 just by losing belly fat.

=> Click here to get started in the Turbulence Training Transformation Contest


  1. Catherine's two transformations are an inspiration.

    I've just listened to the call and she gives some great tips and has been totally honest in telling us about her experiences.

    I'm enjoying the program and I am entering the competition, to add extra motivation to break my bad habits.


    http://www.neilsturbulence trainingtransformation.blogspot.com

  2. JWalker5:04 AM

    Catherine obviously made a big transformation and its great that she's so confident about it..

    But, and yes there's a but, as she said, there is an issue of contention regarding diet vs. exercise, and how much weight loss comes from either factor.

    Catherine may say that having a good exercise plan will naturally lead to healthier eating, but I still think that that is not necessarily the case.

    I do intense, intense workouts, and they're for a competitive sport (so it becomes more of a training session), and I LOVE every minute of it. These trainings are a key part of my life, and I can't imagine living without knowing how hard I worked to get that much stronger or faster.

    But the one area where I stumble comes in nutrition, and that has lead to gradually weight gain especially after a couple of destabilizing injuries that put me out of intense action for a while, though I could still workout. Exercising is no question of discipline for me, but nutrition certainly is, and with a mega sweet tooth like mine, controlling the foods I eat borders impossible.

    My point is that nutrition is still the key to losing fat and building muscle no matter what. Exercise is certainly highly important, but when something happens and you fall out of it, you need to have a backup plan that keeps you burning fat and feeding your muscles while you take a break - and that is nutrition.

    Yup, that's in response to her point. But everything else was fabulous advice, and I know she'll keep up the great progress!
