Saturday, May 30, 2009

Back to Normal

Whew, been gone for a week but it felt like a month. Went to Vegas and watched UFC fights, checked out Dane Cook comedy show, brainstormed with Vince Delmonte, Mike Geary, and Joel Marion (among others), rode some fancy cars around the desert (the Lambourghini was insane!), chilled at the pool, ate some steaks (CraftSteak, Nine Steakhouse, and Switch), and then had a nice dinner to end the trip at Lavo in the Palazzo hotel.

By that time I had enough of Vegas, and I had to head over to a seminar in New Jersey...met up with my buddy Jay Ferruggia to train at on Thursday (more details to come later), and then finally got to the seminar late Thursday night.

On Friday, I had lunch (grilled salmon and a salad plus one bread roll) with a great baseball coach from Jersey named Paul Reddick ( Then I spoke to over 227 fitness pros at Great crowd. Some real sharp folks with lots of great ideas on how to help people with their fitness over the Internet.

Click here if you are interested in more Internet biz info

But then finally, after all that traveling, I got my flight home to Toronto on Friday night. I also started a fast after lunch, and went through to late Saturday morning. It's good to be home to my endless supply of vegetables, raw nuts, fruit, banana tacos, and hummus.

I definitely enjoyed all of the steak I had while traveling, but Jay Ferruggia and his girlfriend also made me an amazing vegan meal on Thursday that rivaled all of the dinners I had in Vegas. 

Saturday morning, I slept in a bit, went to the chiropractic (I messed up my ankles horsing around...but they are good now), and then I went to the gym for a deadlift workout...

1) Sumo Deadlift - 365x5

2A) Good Morning
2B) BB Shrugs

3A) Cable Abs
3B) Hanging Knee Raises

After the workout I picked up Bally the Dog from the doggysitters and we toured around Toronto for an hour or so. 

He stinks. And is pooping weird. Looks like he found another dead animal recently while at doggy camp. Good for him.

Alright, that's it, and I'm back on track.

Bench on monday,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS


  1. Craig-- I often see "cable abs" in your workouts, can you elaborate on what exactly you do?

    Cable crunches? Twists? Woodchoppers? All of the above? Just curious.

  2. It looks like a good morning...i'll do a video. Basically a standing cable crunch without the spinal flexion. Similar to a ball rollout.
