Saturday, May 09, 2009

3 Free Fat Burning Workouts

In this week's 7-day fat burning workout guide, you'll get three of the toughest Turbulence Training fat loss workouts I've ever schemed up... fact, Workout C of TT for Buff Dudes and Hot Chicks was voted the toughest TT workout ever!

(That was, of course, until the TT AAA Abs program came along this April.)

Check out these fat burning workouts and all this info below...

- How to do my favorite ab exericse: The Stability Ball Rollout
- The most intense bodyweight interval program
- The 5 Pillars of Fat Loss Success
- Where to find Turbulence Training on Facebook
-Why you need to go through my 2-week Nutrition Education
- And a healthy, TT-approved, chocolate dessert
Let me know how I can help you lose fat,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - We're now on Facebook too.

=> Click here for TT on Facebook


  1. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Great Post!

    To check out this article on Turbulence Training

  2. I need to be fit not because I want to be sexy but because I want to be healthy.
    Bodyweight Workouts
