Sunday, January 04, 2009

Deadlift Workout Update

I read this great article on deadlifting last week

Mark Rippetoe Deadlift Tips

and applied some small form changes (getting over the bar more).

1) Overhead Squat - 125x5

2A) Deadlift - 345x3 (overhand), 375x1 (alternate), 315x8 (alternate), 225x2x8 (overhand)
2B) 1-Arm DB Shoulder Press (3x6 with 60)

3) Good Morning - 2x12 at 155

4A) Pullthrough - 135x20
4B) Chinup - 10 reps

That was good. Felt strong on OH Squat and with most deadlifts.

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

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