Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Workout of the Month

Here's a TT Members update on the latest workouts and videos from www.TTMembers.com

I've combined classic circuit training with Turbulence Training in the new February TT Workout of the Month.

You can now download it and start burning fat with TT circuits...

Click HERE for the February TT Circuit Workout

Let me know what you think. And oh yes, there is a tough new "Bodyweight 200" circuit in there for all bodyweight enthusiasts.

Transformation Secrets Bonus For You

I am making this very special bonus report available to all TT Members.

Transformation Secrets

Please read it...there is loads of valuable info in there for your own personal fat loss transformations. It contains fat burning
secrets from three very high priced fat loss coaches...

All the Workout Videos from 2007

If you are a Platinum Level Member, you can go through a new set of archives to watch all of the Workout Videos from 2007. This was the first year I started doing video and it was a huge hit. Check them out for all of your favorite moves and supersets.

The full 2007 collection is here:


Keep your New Year's resolutions going strong,


PS - You can also watch the 6-Month Bodyweight Manual workouts at www.TTmembers.com

Go here to watch fun & challenging bodyweight workouts:


You must be a Platinum Level Member to watch these videos.

"Turbulence Training is absolutely incredible. I've worked out for years and spent many dollars on personal trainers with very minimal results. TT is the only way to go. There really isn't even a close second!! I'm telling everybody who will listen about TT. There's so much junk out there that I love telling people when I find something that is really great. One of the things I say about you on my website is that you over-deliver. You over-deliver like nobody I've ever seen. Keep up the GREAT WORK."
Steve Tuggle, CPT

See you on the forums!

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