Thursday, August 31, 2006

How to Stop Binge Eating

Binge Eating

I've recently received some questions on a very serious fat loss subject, "Binge eating". We went to female fitness expert, Rachel Cosgrove ( for her help...and here's what she said might help with binge eating.

(NOTE: If you or someone you know suffers from binge eating, please see your medical doctor as well.)

Binge eating is closely linked with psychology and emotions. Many times there are deep seated psychological issues creating a self destructive habit. Otherwise, it can just be a like a drug addiction. I truly believe sugar has many of the same qualities as an addictive drug. It will give you a high and then crash you down so you need more.

People may be addicted and just need to get through a detox period before cravings will go away. This will be a hard detox period of withdrawals, etc. My suggestion for this person would be that when they feel the urge to binge come on they needs to stop and write in a journal about what is going through their mind.

Find out what is creating this desctructive behaviour and then try to replace it with something constructive- going for a walk, listening to music, etc.

For a woman, she needs to decide that she wants to be lean and sexy more than she wants to binge. Nothing tastes as good as lean and sexy feels!

Hope this helps!
Rachel Cosgrove

Thanks Rachel,


P.S. You can read some more of Rachel's wisdom HERE.

P.P.S. Today is the last day...
For you to order the
4-Week TT for Women workout. Click HERE to get started
After midnight tonight, this one is only available to
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