Thursday, August 24, 2006

Correct Workout Routine Order

Correct Workout Routine Order

A couple of readers have written in with their own workout designs, asking for a little of my feedback.

Unfortunately, while the intentions were good, the workouts were a little backwards. This leads to this week's Training Tip:

Tip - When designing your program for maximal results, make sure you plan your exercises in the optimal order.

Now that's a vague tip, isn't it? Just what do I mean by the optimal order?

Well, ignoring the warm-up for a second, here's how your training program should be set up in order to have your exercises in the optimal order:

1. Explosive exercises (i.e. Jumping, Olympic Lifts).

Now most TT workouts don't include explosive exercises, but there are three that do...

A) TT Fusion Fat Loss (this comes in the TT for Fat Loss package)

B) TT Fusion Mass (this comes in the TT for Mass package)

C) The New TT for Muscle-Insiders Mass Program - to be released in mid-September

2. Strength exercises

This is generally your main exercise/superset of the workout and this exercise/superset should be performed with heavy weights and low reps - 3 sets of 6 at the most).

3. Repetition exercises (i.e. moderate reps - 4 sets of 8-12, generally used to increase the volume of training in order to cause muscle growth).

4. Endurance exercises (i.e. high-rep pushups/squats/chin-ups to failure; also, intervals).

So why did the reader send in something that I call "a backwards workout"?

Well, let's take a look at the two biggest mistakes in those workouts, and that I often see in many people's workouts:

A) Putting endurance work first.

Doing too many pushups (endurance exercise) at the start of the workout before the strength exercise is a bad idea. When you do endurance work before heavy lifting, your strength will suffer. There's no question your entire workout intensity will suffer if you do endurance work first.

So the take-home message: Make sure you don't fatigue yourself in your warm-up or put a high-rep exercise prior to a heavy strength exercise.

B) Putting explosive lifts at the end of the workout.

Olympic Lifts should not be put in the second or third superset of the workout. These lifts should be done at the start of your workout (after the correct warm-up), yet I see these being done 20-30 minutes into people's workouts all the time.

Do not Squat to fatigue and then expect to have power when you go to do a Clean or a jump exercise or a sprint.

The correct order is to do the Clean (or jump or sprint) and then move onto the Squat.

Remember:If you want to move fast or train with a high-intensity, you have to be fresh, not fatigued.

Following the optimal exercise order will help you do more quality work in each training session...therefore allowing you to get stronger, burn more calories, gain more muscle, and/or lose more fat. Whatever your training goal, it will be made easier by doing things in the right order.

For another example, I recommend taking a look at how I designed Stage 3 of the 6-Month Bodyweight Manual. You'll notice:

a) A sufficient, but not overbearing total body warm-up

b) Supersets starting with the hardest bodyweight exercises first, ones that can be done for only a few repetitions (unless you are an extremely advanced bodyweight exerciser)

c) A gradual decrease in absolute exercise intensity with each subsequent superset, and a simultaneous increase in reps.

(NOTE: Don't confuse intensity with difficulty. When I say intensity, I refer to your absolute strength level. Yes, doing a set of 30 pushups is difficult, but its not intense.)

d) Endurance circuits to complete the workout.

Follow the rules, and you'll succeed,


P.S. You'll also get the TT Fusion Fat Loss, the TT Fusion Mass workout, and the 6-Month Bodyweight Workout in your TT Membership.

Click HERE to become a Member

Here's the complete list (as of Aug 23rd, 2006) of all the manuals, advanced training articles, and e-books that you will get with your 12-Month Turbulence Training Membership (and remember, I'm adding at least 1 new program per month):

My Turbulence Training Reports
? Turbulence Training for Fat Loss
? 1 Hour Turbulence Training Audio Interview
? Turbulence Training 6-Month Bodyweight Manual
? Turbulence Training For Mass
? Turbulence Training for Women
? The Intermediate Turbulence Training Beach Body program
? The Advanced Turbulence Training Beach Body program
? Turbulence Training for Firefighters
? Turbulence Training for Police Officers
? Turbulence Training: Hot Zone Fat Loss Program

Monthly Turbulence Training Workouts
? September 2005: 4-Week Fat Loss Plan
? October 2005: Original 4-Week Bodyweight Workout
? November 2005: Barely Legal 4-Week Mass-Gain Workout
? December 2005: Ultimate Holiday Fat Loss Workout
? January 2006: Fat Loss in a Busy Gym Workout
? February 2006: Fusion Fat Loss Workout
? March 2006: Turbulence Training for Athletes
? April 2006: Fusion Muscle Building Workout
? May 2006: How to Gain 15 lbs of Lean Mass
? June 2006: TT Hardcore Fat Loss Workout

My Workout Manuals
? The Beginner's Guide to Fat Loss
? The Get Lean Manual
? The Executive Lifestyle Manual

Other Female Training Manuals
? The Secrets of Female Strength & Conditioning
? ShapeShift - How to Develop the Athletic Look
? The Simple Way to Lose Weight
? The Executive Lifestyle Manual for Women
? Get Lean for Women

Other Collaborations & Bonus Reports
? Mission: Abdominals ? by Tom Venuto
? Boost Your Testosteron ? by Christian Finn
? Strength Coach Interrogations ? by Alwyn Cosgrove

Advanced Training Articles
? How to Determine Exercise Selection & Exercise Order
? The Best Number of Sets for Muscle Gain, Fat Loss, & Females
? The Science of Repetitions
? Program Design Critique
? Program Design Lesson

Athlete Manuals
? The Rugby Speed Manual
? The Rugby Strength Manual
? The Rugby Pre-Season Speed and Interval Workouts
? Young Male Alpine Ski Strength Program
? Young Beginner Female Basketball Strength Program
? Young Advanced Male Rugby Strength Program
? The New Young Athlete - 8 Week Mass Gain Program

Strength & Bodybuilding Workouts
? 4-Week Advanced Bodybuilding Program
? Weekend Warrior: Get Buff While Becoming a Better Downhill Skier
? How to Bench Without Shoulder Pain
? Max Your Bench Press: Part A (Weeks 1-12 )
? Max Your Bench Press: Part B (Weeks 13-24)

"Dear Craig, Since I ordered the Pass to your products I am working my way through your materials. And what a huge amount of information it is! I am more than impressed and satisfied! Turbulence Training is one of the most time-efficient, comprehensive and practical approaches to training I have come across yet. And I am no newbie to training."
Thomas Brenninger

Click HERE to become a Member

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