Sunday, August 20, 2006

7-Day Guide: Leg Workout Routine of the Week

Leg Workout Routine

7 days, 7 we go.

Do your regularly scheduled TT workout.Leg exercises allow you to work more muscle, do more work, and burn more calories. That will mean more and better changes to your body.
Click HERE to find out 4 leg exercises that should be in your Turbulence Training workouts at some point

30 minutes of activity. Before you head to the supplement store, read this article:

Another Way We Get Scammed on Supplements

Warning: This might upset you!

TT workout.Stressed?

Remember this...Your breathing helps you control the level of stress that each situation causes.You need to focus on deep, SLOW breaths. A lot of people remember to breath deeply, but not slowly.Take a full 3 (or more) seconds for each inhale (to your belly), and 3 (or more) seconds for each exhale.In and out through your nose.

Do this until the stress subsides. You will benefit from practice. Stay strong and consistent!

30 minutes of activity...but dont' go too crazy on the cardio, especially if you are a beginner to fitness.

Why not?

Read "The Dark Side of Cardio" from

TT workout.

Make sure you heed this advice from nutritionist, Chris Mohr, Ph.D., "Always eat something before you workout. You can even consume your post-workout shake slowly during your workout so that you have some nutrients in your body while training."

30 minutes of activity, check in with your social support group. A recent report showed that both men and women overestimate the amount of exercise they make sure you check in with a professional trainer to monitor one of your workout sessions.

Plan, shop, and prepare.

Make sure that when you are buying nuts that you avoid buying nuts that are roasted in hydrogenated vegetable oil.This might make the nuts taste good, but it adds bad fats back into your diet, thus defeating the purpose of eating nuts!

Ouch, another hidden sabotage to your efforts.

Watch out for the hidden obstacles to fat loss,


P.S. TT Members get more

If you want more TT workouts, TT for Women, TT for athletes, or even more TT for Mass, as well as my other female specific e-books, make sure you check out the TT Membership area here. Previous customers get $100 off the regular price.

"Dear Craig, Since I ordered the TT Membership Pass to your products I am working my way through your materials. And what a huge amount of information it is! I am more than impressed and satisfied! Turbulence Training is one of the most time-efficient, comprehensive and practical approaches to training I have come across yet. And I am no newbie to training."
Thomas Brenninger

"I must tell you that The TT Membership Pass has helped me tremendously not only for myself but as a personal trainer. I have purchased a lot of books, workout programs, etc., and your programs are awesome! I know I've told you this before but you definitely over deliver on all of your programs. The Membership was by far the BEST investment I ever made!...honestly. Thank you so much for making this available."
Georgette Pann, CPT,CSN,LPTA

Check out the TT Membership area here.

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